Buying at a glance

To see is to buy, and of course the aim is for people to buy yóur product! That means standing out from all the other products on offer. Ultimately, yóur product presentation has to appeal to the consumer. That requires a well-balanced approach with thought devoted to colour, shape, and character. Who is your product aimed at? And what does the potential buyer consider important?  We can work alongside you to map out the potential buyers and produce the right presentation to help your product appeal to them. The appeal of the packaging is not determined by images, colour, and materials alone; the shape plays an important part as well. These elements and their interdependence ensure the distinctive and attractive display of your product.

Niet alleen de keuze van beeld, kleur en materiaal bepalen de uitstraling, ook de vorm van de verpakking speelt een belangrijke rol. Deze elementen en hun onderlinge samenhang zorgen voor een onderscheidende en aantrekkelijke productpresentatie.


The capper is the best way to draw attention to the flower bulbs on your shelves. A balance must be achieved between display and information. The selected image combined with design draws attention. We can inspire you through our knowledge and experience of cappers!

  • The best combination of image and design, and is ideal for flower bulbs.
  • An up-to-date image database of bulbs.
  • Available in a variety of materials.
Tray verpakking

One hand can carry many items. Multiple purchases and ease of transport are the trademarks of our mini trays.

  • Ideal for concepts
  • Available in plastic and cardboard
  • Convenient for the consumer
Boxes and tubes

Boxes and containers not only protect your product but also offer a unique marketing opportunity. Available in all forms and with the option of plastic or cardboard. We are here to help you with your choices!

  • Functional and presents a unique marketing opportunity
  • Perfect for gift wrapping
  • Available in plastic and cardboard

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